I am about to talk about relationships and marriage and stuff.
And I am a single woman.
Just...brace yourself.
It's not going to be all sappy or a pity party.
Just some of my thoughts.
It feels like lately most of my friends have been getting engaged, or married, or are having babies.
It used to be that whenever I would see a new post on Facebook announcing something like that, I would just give the complimentary "like" and move past it without giving it another thought.
I realized this a month or so ago, and stopped to wonder why I did that.
I came to the conclusion that I have conditioned myself to do so, so that I won't get jealous or upset.
Because I know that is the typical response for a young single adult woman, and I refuse to be that person.
I don't want to be angry or bitter about being single.
Especially because there are so many great things about being single.
But in the Church, getting married and having a family is something that is constantly being stressed to us.
Which is fantastic.
But I think it tends to make some singles feel like failures.
Anyhow, I digress.
So as I was evaluating why I had turned off my emotional valve, I decided to open that up and see what happened.
You want to know what happened?
I just felt so happy for all my friends who are at that point in their lives!
Like, ridiculously happy.
I was almost giddy.
These people that I love and care about so much are just living the dream!
I have had many conversations with most of these people about someday finding "the one", and having families, and what our lives will look like in the coming years.
It's just so exciting to me to see that it actually does happen!
It's not just a myth that happens to "other" people.
And I know that through the process of elimination, eventually it will be my turn.
Not in the near, foreseeable future.
But I know that when it does happen, all my friends and family will be just as happy for me as I am for them.
I am just so glad that I decided to switch my emotions back on.
Because even though this happiness is for someone else's sake, it is very real.
And any true happiness is fine by me!
Just a small handful of my close friends and their beautiful lives :)

Such a cute post! You are so great! I heart you! And for the record if I had a relative that was amazing enough to date you I would totally set you up because I think it would be awesome to be related to you! (Unfortunately my cousins are creepy or young and my brother is in high school...)But when it does happen, you betcha I'll be tickled pink!
Jackie, I just love you!! You're so great :)
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