So my birthday was a few weeks ago, on July 2nd, and I finally turned the big 21!!!
Exciting, eh?
I'm used to not having a birthday, since it's so close to the 4th, and my mom would just say "well, all the family will be here on the 4th, so we'll just celebrate it then!"
Unfortunately, Independence Day will now always be viewed in my eyes as the ultimate ADD celebration.
Meaning my birthday pretty much got skipped over every year.
I think my scars are finally starting to heal.
No worries.
And even though turning 21 is supposed to be kind of a big deal, I didn't really think too much about it.
Therefore, not much happened.
A few friends and I did go to the new water park they built here in Rexburg.........

That is a "Birthday Girl" pin that my roommate made me wear all day.
As you can see, I resisted immensely.

So the water park was slightly small, but it was still a pretty good time!
We stayed for about 4 hours.
And I got the nastiest burn ever.
Lasted for quite a while.
I couldn't sleep for about a week.
And I'm still peeling to this day.
Worth it?
Sure :)
So that was pretty much my birthday...
I did get a free Jamba Juice because it was my birthday.

But don't try ripping them off for a freebie by telling them it's your bday...
I did have to show them my driver's license as proof.
Then we just watched Whip It at my apartment.
Pretty good fun for a birthday I suppose :)
Then there was the 4th of July!!

I was planning on just staying in Rexburg for the weekend, just because I figured not very many people in my family were going to be in Burley, so I might as well hang out with all of my friends.
But then Monday morning came around and I got suuuuuuuuuper homesick for the Fourth of July in Burley.
Because there is NOTHING better than celebrating the 4th in Burley.
So around 1:00 I just up and drove home!
It was definitely worth it.
Even though I missed out on the parade, Mexican food, and playing on the river.
I was there to hang out with the family that was there.
And eat hot dogs.
And watch fireworks.
I honestly can't think of much else I'd rather be doing than spending time in Burley on the Fourth of July.
It is the best thing in the whole wide world.
And I love a lot of things.
So saying this really means something.
Sooo......Happy Independence Day, everyone!!
Now I know that next year,
regardless of anything,
I am going home to Burley for the 4th of July.
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