Back in March I got to go up to Moscow, ID with the school to go to the American College Dance Festival. ACDF is where a bunch of different colleges and universities come together and perform and take classes. Each school brings two dances to perform--one done by a student, and one by the faculty. It's not a competition, but there are adjudicators to give feedback for each piece. During the day we took all sorts of classes. Some of the ones I took included modern, hip hop, jazz, african, falling, nuzzle and wag (yes, that's really what it was called...and it was one of my top favorites!), contact improv...among others.
Then at night, there were concerts. Wednesday night opened up with a concert showcasing and introducing the adjudicators. Then on Thursday and Friday the concert contained the pieces of all the participating schools. We performed ours on Friday night. Our student piece was by Amanda Conley (I'm so obsessed with her's incredible!), and then the faculty piece was our women's piece that we did for Extravadance. Then the adjudicators chose some of their favorites to perform for the concert on Saturday night. There were some seriously incredible pieces! And also some really stupid ones. Gotta have a good balance I guess :) We had driven up on Tuesday, checked into our hotel, and got ready for the week.
Me and Jane sitting in the back of Clifford, one of the bright red 12 passenger vans we took. The other one was named Big Red.
Story time!! We had been driving for a good number of hours, and were stopped at a rest station. Needless to say, it felt really good to get out of the van. Me and Jane were the last ones to the van, so I was trying to hurry while still enjoying the last few seconds I had outside. So I was just frolicking to the van. Well...frolicking on gravel isn't as easy as one would think. I had been fine on the grass, but as soon as I stepped off the curb, I fell down faster than...okay, so maybe analogies aren't my thing. But I fell hard and fast. Everyone in the van said it was hilarious/confusing, because one second I was there and the next I wasn't. So I managed to entertain everyone, but all I got out of it was a scraped up, bloody knee, and a hole in my $100 track suit. But you know, it made for a good story, right? :)

Me, Kelsey, and Taylor. I think this was the rest stop where I scraped my knee...
Me and Bethani! That was my official name tag. Everyone had one, and you had to have it to get into the classes and the concerts.
Jenese, Abbie, Bethani, and me posing before one of the classes
They had a pizza party for everyone on Friday (I think...), and the pizza they had was HUGE! And super tasty, of course :)

Me, Kelsey, and Alyssa putting our talents to good use before one of the concerts

It may have been a bit windy, but it was still pretty nice, so we had lunch outside one day

Kenzie, me, Bethani, and Kelsey posing with Abbie Fiyat. She's an incredible modern teacher from University of Utah. Our teacher, Ashley Hoopes, just recently got her master's degree from there and recommended that we take this class, because she knows her. I was not was easily one of my top favorite classes!!
Patiently waiting for a concert to begin...and of course I can't take a normal picture...

We are dancers. We like to take pictures.
This was just before we performed our women's piece on Friday night.
Just another picture of us enjoying lunch outside on the sidewalk
Me, Jane, and Taylor...again, just waiting for a concert to start.
I really like these guys.
Me and Shay had mismatched socks the whole time...we planned on taking a picture of our feet every day, but we only ended up with two. And the other one is on her camera...maybe time :)
Hers are a little more matchy than mine...hers both have orange in them at least!

We had to wait for a while before we got to do our lighting rehearsal.
We were tired.
So we slept.
Just one of our many talents :)
One last story...we were on our way home, and it was already a super long drive, when one of the vans (Clifford) ran out of gas. But we were probably 20 miles away from the closest gas station. So those of us in Big Red went ahead to get some gas to bring back to them. It took awhile, because the first gas station didn't have any gas cans, but we finally found a place that did. So some people stayed there while we went back to save Clifford. Well, we had the gas can, but something wasn't just kept leaking and none of the gas was getting into the vehicle. We kept trying to flag down cars, but no one was stopping. Finally, an older couple stopped to help. Turns out, the cap just wasn't screwed on tight. Well, Taylor (the only male who was with us on this trip) ended up getting a lot of crap for not being able to figure it out. But hey, we ended up getting it figured out, and finally got on our way! I think we ended up driving for at least 12 hours that day. I was sooo happy to be back in Rexburg!
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