I found a few saved draft posts that I never published....I thought they were kind of entertaining, so I thought I'd share them! This one was back from my college days. Enjoy!
: a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality
{8 • 2 • 2011}
: a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality
everyone has their quirks.
i've been noticing my own more and more.
and other people's, too.
but that's to be discussed another day.
today, it's going to be about me :)
- quirk #1 -
i like to read.
a lot.
i know that's not really that odd.
the odd[ish] part is that i read even when i'm eating.
or when i'm brushing my teeth.
usually my roommates make fun of me.
mostly because when i eat during breakfast...
i hold the book open with my big toe.
obviously my hands are busy with my bowl of cereal.
i've got to keep it open somehow!
i think i was reading harry potter...
- quirk #2 -
i also really like to sing.
a lot.
sometimes it's excessive.
and dramatic.
and yes.....annoying.
but purposefully.
- quirk #3 -
i am really good at spelling.
my friends and acquaintances call me a human dictionary.
not because i know all the definitions.
but just because i can spell them.
a lot of the time i can do it even if i don't know the word.
it just makes sense.
except the word "exercise".
i always have a hard time with that one.
- quirk #4 -
i do a really weird thing in the mornings.
allow me to preface it.
i really hate being late.
i really hate being rushed.
but i also really love to sleep.
so...i wake up a fair amount before i have to leave.
then i get ready really quickly.
then i go back to bed.
until the very last second.
because, you see, then i don't have to worry about rushing.
and i get as much sleep as possible.
will i continue?
no doubt.