Here I sit at work.
I got done with everything by 7:30.
I don't get to leave until 9:00.
So I'm browsing the internet.
Well...browsing the limited sites that are allowed through the filter.
Thank you, HCA, for not letting me check Facebook.
Or Pinterest.
I can blog-stalk, but for some odd reason, most blogs aren't updated every few minutes.
So I was thinking maybe I would update my blog.
But, my life is not exciting.
Nothing to report.
Same ol, same ol.
Hence, what I'm about to post is not super exciting.
But it made me smile.
About an hour ago, an older gentleman came to ask me a question.
He wanted my opinion on a Chinese resteraunt just down the street.
Well, I've never been there, so I was no help.
He decided to go give it a shot anyway.
He left, and I thought nothing else of it.
Just now, he showed up with a few brown paper sacks filled with Asian food.
He plopped one on my desk, and said:
"One spring roll. Do you have a piece of paper? Write down my email, and then let me know what you think!"
So I did.
I have to wait until I get off work to eat it...
But when I do, I'm sure going to email him.
I was just amazed at the thoughtfulness.
It's just one small spring roll.
But he did not have to do that.
It would have been easy not to.
But it wasn't hard to do, either.
It makes me think that I really need to get in that mindset.
It's really not hard to think more of others.
To do small acts of kindness.
It doesn't take up that that much more time in a day.
Or that much more energy.
In fact, it could be argued that it gives more than it takes.
So thank you, kind sir, for the spring roll.
I'm going to do my best to pass it on.