My birthday has always been slightly nonexistent. I mean, it is in the middle of the summer when no one is usually around, and two days later is the fourth of July. Therefore it just sort of gets lost in the mix of things. So this year I was pretty excited that I was going to be able to spend it with a bunch of my friends up here at school. Little did I know the surprises they had in store for me....
Three of my roommates got up at 4:00 am and left me chalk messages all the way to the Kirkham (the dance building on campus)

They even stayed awake long enough to make me breakfast! I had to be up at 5:30 that morning, so it was incredibly nice! And obviously super healthy.... :)

I apologize for my morning immodesty...they caught me off-guard. Haha.

Oh yea....and they also left me post-it notes around the apartment

I have been wanting a scooter for a while now, to use around campus, and a few of my Dance Alliance friends found out about it.....and decided to surprise me and get me one for my birthday. Goodness gracious, I was not expecting that! And just look at how beautiful it is! I tend to turn heads when I ride it around :)
Something funny about this is that my mom had sent me a check in the mail for my birthday to get myself a scooter, because I had told her that I wanted one. My friends had to stall my scooter-shopping because they had already gotten this one for me!
So besides the fact that I didn't get a birthday cake, and I didn't get to see my was a pretty good birthday :)